The risk of public networks


Public networks can be really unsafe sometimes they don't require authentication before a user gets access to the net work so this means that anybody can enter the network so if you haven't secured your data properly, any users in the same network can access it.

This links will help you to realise the dangers of using public Wi-Fi network:

Here are five tips that may help you to prevent the risk of public networks and solve the problems it may cause you:

-Using a VPN can be useful because it makes your connection more secure by encrypting your data.

-You can boost you connection security by enabling the "always use https" option in your browser.

-Having secure passwords can help making your browser experience safer.

-Turning of the Wi-Fi can prevent your devices from connecting to unsafe networks.

-If while you are using a public network you get hacked you should bring your device to an IT guy and change your password.


Mario García said…
Hello, i am reading your post and i liked so much, these are very complete,the webpage that you recommended and the tips are very good, but my favourite it's in which you recommend the use of a VPN

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